The Cash App card can be a great asset for your personal money management, but only if you know how to use it! Let’s talk about how you can add money to the Cash App card, so you can use it to give yourself a fun money budget, or perhaps just use it as your main debit card.
Adding money to your Cash App, step by step
- Download Cash App if you haven’t already
The first thing you need to do to add money to your Cash App card is have the app… which should come as no surprise. You can get it from the App Store or Google Play.
- Add Cash
The next step is to go to the main screen which shows your current Cash App balance. There, you can tap “Add Cash”.
- Enter the amount
The next screen shows a number pad that allows you to enter the amount of cash you want to add to Cash App. Assuming you already have a bank account linked, just type the amount in and tap “Add”.
- Optional: Add a recurring deposit
After you add cash, you’ll be presented with the option to add a recurring deposit. If you’d like, you can choose to add a deposit daily, weekly, or monthly.
Some things to remember…
- Make sure you have enough money in your bank account before transferring funds. If you’re setting up a recurring deposit, this is especially important.
- If you need to cash out, you can always do so using the “Cash Out” button on the main balance screen.
- Your Cash App and Cash App card use the same balance, so once you’ve added money to your Cash App, that money can also be used to send to friends and family.
- You can also use funds that are added with this method to purchase stocks or cryptocurrency through Cash App.
- A record of transactions for cash that you add with the above steps will be available for you to see in the Activity tab. It will show the amount and the bank account it was transferred from.
- Cash App card is a debit card, so the amount of cash showing on your “My Cash” tab is the total amount you can spend — if you go over this amount, your card will be rejected.
Need a Cash App referral code?
If you haven’t yet tried out Cash App, you can get a free $5 when you download it and try it out by using my referral code. We’ll both get $5 just for using this link — don’t worry, it will take you to the official App Store or Play Store listing to download the official app, and then you’ll be able to enter a code when you set it up to ensure you get the free cash.